Many thanks to Rich Armstrong for teaching his Birding 101 class at the Camp Verde Library. Rich is undoubtably the most active member of NAAS! He is the Chair of Field Trips in Sedona and the Verde Valley, Steward of the Sedona Wetlands and Compiler of the Sedona Christmas Bird Count. Rich has taught this class to people who are curious about the hobby of bird watching to their benefit and to that of our organization. Giving the gift of a teaching a new hobby to those who are seeking is so important in these days of stress. There was a huge amount of interest expressed by the number of attendees to this class. These participants were treated to a great variety of birds and raptors with one of NAAS's best guides and teachers!
I taught 30 folks a 2 hour Birding 101 class on March 31st at the Camp Verde library. Then on April 1st I had 10 of them bird Rezzonico Park and the Camp Verde STP. Then on April 2nd I had another 12 of them bird Rezzonico Park and the Camp Verde STP. Highlights were singing Lucy's Warbler, Abert's Towhee, close views of both male & female Vermillion Flycatchers, a very cooperative Hutton's Vireo, Cliff Swallows going in and out of nests, Great Horned Owls on a nest and next to it, and scope views of all 3 male teal species, Greater Yellowlegs, and Wilson's Snipe.
By Rich Armstrong